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Scientific Publications in Soccer Performance
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Rico-Sanz, J. and Bangsbo J,

Technical and Tactical analysis of the Danish National Team during the European Cup 1992.

Proceedings of the First World Congress of Notational Analysis of Sports, Liverpool, 1993.

Rico-Sanz J. 

A model for technical and tactical analysis in soccer.  

Communication to the 1st World Congress in Notational Analysis in Sport. Liverpool, 1992.

Rico-Sanz J. 

Match Analysis. 

Science & Football. 1994 July; (8): 4-7.

Rico-Sanz J. Frontera WR, Rivera MA, Rivera-Brown A, Mole PA, Meredith CN. 

Effects of hyperhydration on total body water, temperature regulation and performance of elite young soccer players in a warm climate.
International Journal of Sports Medicine. 1996 Feb;17(2):85-91. 

Rico-Sanz J.

Performance Evaluations in Soccer Players. 

Archivos de Medicina del Deporte, 1997, 59: 207-212.

Rico-Sanz J. Frontera WR, Molé PA, Rivera MA, Rivera-Brown A, Meredith CN. 

Dietary and performance assessment of elite soccer players during a period of intense training.
International Journal of Sport Nutrition. 1998 Sep;8(3):230-40. 

Rico-Sanz J. dos Santos G, Cabañas M, Moreno A and Arús C.

Intra- and Extracellular triglycerides in muscle, whole body fat, and time to fatigue of professional soccer players. 

European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology, 16th Annual Meeting. 1999.

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