Scientific Publications in Nutrition and Body Composition
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Rico-Sanz J.
Effects of creatine supplementation on muscle and energy metabolism.
Archivos de Medicina del Deporte, 1997, 61: 391-396.
Rico-Sanz J.
Body composition and nutritional assessments in soccer.
International Journal of Sport Nutrition.1998 Jun;8(2):113-23.
Rico-Sanz J. Frontera WR, Molé PA, Rivera MA, Rivera-Brown A, Meredith CN.
Dietary and performance assessment of elite soccer players during a period of intense training.
International Journal of Sport Nutrition. 1998 Sep;8(3):230-40.
Rico-Sanz J, Mendez Marco MT.
Creatine enhances oxygen uptake and performance during alternating intensity exercise.
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise.2000 Feb;32(2):379-85.
Rico-Sanz J.
Journal of Applied Physiology. 2000 Apr;88(4):1181-91.
Zehnder M, Rico-Sanz J, Kühne G, Boutellier U.
Resynthesis of muscle glycogen after soccer specific performance examined by 13C-magnetic resonance spectroscopy in elite players.
European Journal of Applied Physiology. 2001 May;84(5):443-7.
Rico-Sanz J, Zehnder M, Buchli R, Kühne G, Boutellier U.
Creatine feeding does not enhance intramyocellular glycogen concentration during carbohydrate loading: an in vivo study by 31P- and 13C-MRS.
Journal of Physiology & Biochemistry. 2008 Sep;64(3):189-96.